Git / Github Guide#


  • Official Git documentation:

  • Keep your commits clean! Do not commit any unnecessary files! Always type git status to check your commit before pushing. And modify .gitignore file if necessary.

  • Do not force push on the main branch!

  • Keep git history clean. Avoid unnecessary merge commits. Get familiar with the following commands:

git reset --soft/--hard HEAD/HEAD~/HEAD~2/<commit-id>/...
git stash
git stash pop
git rebase base_branch local_branch
  • Useful git commands:

git config list (--global/--system/--local)
git config --global "name"
git config --global ""
git config --local --unset

git remote -v
git remote add upstream https://xxx.git
git remote remove/rename
git remote update origin --prune

git checkout -b new_branch upstream/branch

git branch
git branch -a
git branch -d/-D name

git push upstream -u local_branch:remote_branch

git add .
git status
git restore --staged <file>
git commit -m "message"
git reset --soft/--hard HEAD^

git stash
git stash pop

git fetch
git pull  # suggest to set fast-forward only
git push

git tag <tagname>
git tag list
git push --tags

git rebase


Reference a GitHub issue in commit message#

To reference a GitHub issue in commit message, use #issue_number. For example:

git commit -m "Fix XXX (#123)"

This commit will be automatically linked to issue #123 on GitHub, and a message will be posted on the issue page.