Ask-and-tell Interface

In this tutorial, we will introduce how to use the ask-and-tell interface Advisor in OpenBox.

Design Principles

OpenBox provides two interfaces for users to interact with the black-box optimization process: Optimizer and Advisor.

  1. Optimizer is a high-level interface that encapsulates the whole optimization process. Users only need to provide the objective function and the search space, and the Optimizer will handle the rest. The Optimizer will automatically generate new configurations, run the objective function, and update the observation iteratively, just via

  2. Advisor is a low-level ask-and-tell interface that provides users with more flexibility. For users who want to control the optimization process manually, they can use Advisor to get configuration suggestions (via advisor.get_suggestion()), then run the objective function manually, and update the observation back (via advisor.update_observation(observation)).

In fact, the Advisor is a part of the Optimizer. When using the Optimizer, the Optimizer will get suggestion from Advisor and update observation to Advisor. There’s no difference in performance between the two interfaces.

Basic Workflow

The basic workflow of using Advisor is as follows:

from openbox import Advisor, Observation
# Define Advisor
advisor = Advisor(config_space, ...)
# Loop
for i in range(num_iters):
    # Ask
    config = advisor.get_suggestion()
    # Evaluate on user-defined objective function
    y = objective_function(config)
    # Build observation
    observation = Observation(config=config, objectives=[y, ])
    # Tell


Most parameters in Advisor are the same as those in Optimizer.

*The module is still in active development, and the API may change in the future.


  • config_space ( or ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace): Configuration space.

  • num_objectives (int, default=1): Number of objectives in objective function.

  • num_constraints (int, default=0): Number of constraints in objective function.

  • initial_trials (int, default=3): Number of initial iterations of optimization.

  • init_strategy (str, default=‘random_explore_first’): Strategy to generate configurations for initial iterations.

  • initial_configurations (List[Configuration], optional): If provided, the initial configurations will be evaluated in initial iterations of optimization.

  • transfer_learning_history (List[History], optional): Historical data for transfer learning.

  • rand_prob (float, default=0.1): Probability to sample random configurations.

  • surrogate_type (str, default=‘auto’): Type of surrogate model in Bayesian optimization.

  • acq_type (str, default=‘auto’): Type of acquisition function in Bayesian optimization.

  • acq_optimizer_type (str, default=‘auto’): Type of optimizer to maximize acquisition function.

  • ref_point (List[float], optional): Reference point for calculating hypervolume in multi-objective problem.

  • output_dir (str, default=‘logs’): Directory to save log files. If None, no log files will be saved.

  • task_id (str, default=‘OpenBox’): Task identifier.

  • random_state (int): Random seed for RNG.

  • logger_kwargs (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments for logger.


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from openbox import Advisor, space as sp, Observation, logger

# Define Search Space
space = sp.Space()
x1 = sp.Real("x1", -5, 10, default_value=0)
x2 = sp.Real("x2", 0, 15, default_value=0)
space.add_variables([x1, x2])

# Define Objective Function
def branin(config):
    x1, x2 = config['x1'], config['x2']
    y = (x2 - 5.1 / (4 * np.pi ** 2) * x1 ** 2 + 5 / np.pi * x1 - 6) ** 2 \
        + 10 * (1 - 1 / (8 * np.pi)) * np.cos(x1) + 10
    return {'objectives': [y]}

# Run
if __name__ == "__main__":
    advisor = Advisor(
        # surrogate_type='gp',

    MAX_RUNS = 50
    for i in range(MAX_RUNS):
        # ask
        config = advisor.get_suggestion()
        # evaluate
        ret = branin(config)
        # tell
        observation = Observation(config=config, objectives=ret['objectives'])
        advisor.update_observation(observation)'\n===== ITER %d/%d: %s.' % (i+1, MAX_RUNS, observation))

    history = advisor.get_history()
