Change Logs¶
v0.8.4 - Sep 9, 2024¶
Major Changes¶
support early stop for all advisors (#98)
compatible with python3.11 (#95)
v0.8.3 - Apr 27, 2024¶
Major Changes¶
rewrite safeopt. (#90)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix bug in RandomAdvisor.
v0.8.2 - Mar 5, 2024¶
Major Changes¶
Update pytest (#81).
Update early stopping algorithm.
Enhance documentation.
Drop support for Python 3.7 (end of life on 2023-06-27).
Bug Fixes¶
Fix bug in distributed optimizer on Windows (#61).
Fix bug in async parallel optimizer.
Fix several bugs.
API Changes¶
Update API for AcquisitionFunctionMaximizer (#75).
v0.8.1 - Mar 8, 2023¶
Bug Fixes¶
Fix several bugs in transfer learning.
Fix several bugs & improve usability of HTMLVisualizer (#58).
Update time limit function to support multi-platform and multi-version of python. Update API. (#59)
API Changes¶
Minor Changes¶
Update html theme for docs.
v0.8.0 - Dec 18, 2022¶
Add HTML visualization for the optimization process (#48).
Provide basic charts for objectives and constraints.
Provide advanced functions, including surrogate fitting analysis and hyperparameter importance analysis.
Update transfer learning (#54).
API change: for transfer learning data, user should provide a
, instead of aOrderedDict[config, perf]
(#54, 4641d7cf).Examples and docs are updated.
Refactor History object (0bce5800).
.Simplify data structure and provide convenient APIs.
Rewrite all methods, including data obtaining, plotting, saving/loading, etc.
Backwards Incompatible Changes¶
API change:
are renamed toobjectives
are renamed tonum_objectives
(ecd5928a).Change objective value of failed trials from MAXINT to np.inf (da88bd24).
Drop support for Python 3.6 (end of life on Dec 23, 2021).
Other Changes¶
Add BlendSearch, LineBO and SafeOpt (experimental) (#40).
Add color logger. Provide fine-grained control of logging options (e.g., log level).
Rewrite python packaging of the project (#55).
Update Markdown parser in docs to myst-parser. recommonmark is deprecated.
Add pytest for examples.
Use GitHub Actions for CI/CD.
Bug Fixes¶
Fix error return type of generic advisor and update sampler (Thanks @yezoli) (#44).
Consider constraints in plot_convergence (#47).
v0.7.18 - Nov 14, 2022¶
Add ConditionedSpace to support complex conditions between hyperparameters (#37).
Numerous bug fixes.
v0.0.1 - May 2, 2019¶
Project started.